We can register domain names in the following TLDs at a heavily discounted price. Discounts are offered for the first year of subscription only. They renew at regular prices.
Domain names are the foundation of any online presence. They're how your customers identify you, and they can be a powerful marketing tool. That's why it's essential to choose the right one. We offer discounted prices for the first year of registrations. All domains renew at their regular price.
The questions listed here are in no particular order, and some may not be relevant to everyone. Please contact us if you have a question that is not answered here.
No, we offer a discount for first-year registrations. After the initial year, all domains renew at the regular prices (mentioned on this page).
20 Days before expiry, an invoice will be auto-generated by the system. Once that invoice is paid, your domain will be renewed automatically. You can also contact us via the Support Desk to have this invoice generated earlier or to change your subscription period.
Your domain will expire and will no longer resolve. If you have a domain name with us and it expires, you have a 40-day grace period to renew it. After the 40-day grace period, the domain goes into a 30-day redemption period. You can still renew your domain name during the redemption period by paying a redemption fee. After the 30-day redemption period, the domain is deleted from our system and becomes available to the public for registration.
If your domain is in Redemption, it has already expired and is currently in the 30-day redemption period. You can still renew your domain name during the redemption period by paying a redemption fee. After the 30-day redemption period, the domain is deleted from our system and becomes available to the public for registration.
Domain name registration periods vary depending on the .tld (top-level domain) you're registering. We offer registrations for one year
only. Depending on the TLD, domains can be renewed for up to 10 years, though.
Please note: We offer all TLDs at a discounted price for the first year only. All TLDs renew at regular prices after the first year.